The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Local Action Group of Rotary District 5450 has raised funds for student scholarship awards to address clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases, and related community health concerns.

Goals and Objectives 

Scholarship applications should address some aspect of the Rotary WASH goals and objectives. See the website at Rotary International for background on Rotary’s world-wide WASH programs and activities for clean water, sanitation, and hygiene.  

The awards are up to $1,000. Lesser amounts can be requested as needed which would free up funds for other students. 


The application process involves the interested student to complete an on-line application form which can be found at the Application web link below, or you can request a soft copy application for email submittal from

Award applications are due by midnight on October 31, 2024.

However, submittals can be made anytime up until the deadline. 

There are two options for awards, 1) Attendance at a WASH-related Conference or 2) Applied Field Research Project.

Proposal Review Criteria 

Various factors will be assessed in reviewing and rating the submitted proposals, including the following: 

  • Status as a student

  • Clear budget/funding request amount

  • Clarity of description of:

    • The conference and opportunity (Conference option)

    • Clear description of the project, populations served, and communities engaged? (Project Option)

  • Clear explanation of expected results/outcomes and likely impact/sustainability of the project   

  • Clear case made for the expected impact of their studies and future career

  • Clear explanation of how the conference/project potentially addresses related health and/or education needs of participants/beneficiaries (two primary objectives of the Rotary Foundation).


  • Scholarship applications can be submitted at any time before or after the event up until the submittal deadline at midnight October 31, 2024.

  • Students are encouraged to attend the D5450 WASH Symposium, in person or on-line, on October 19, 2024, to learn about Rotary WASH activities and programs.

  • Applications will be reviewed during the period November 1 to 14, 2024.

  • Award notifications will be made November 15 - 21, 2024.

  • Funds will be distributed November 21 – December 1, 2024.

  • Awardees are expected to conduct their projects and expend the award funds by July 31, 2025.

  • A project completion report is due any time before the May 31, 2025 completion deadline. 

Project Follow-Up Requirements

Award recipients will be expected to explain how the award helped achieve application goal(s) by submitting a deliverable Project Completion Report as follows:

a) 1-page summary report (not to exceed 500 words)

b)  Poster for presentation at the WASH25 Symposium - in person or online.

Both submittals should include a brief synopsis of you and your selected award application, impact of awarded resources towards goals, and update or projected outcome of the project/experience. 


Rotary District 5450:  

Rotary International WASH:

CSU Spur Hydro Building in Denver, CO: